The wise comedian Jon Richardson once said "There are putters and there are leavers. And if you're not sure which one you are, you'll find out if I ask you a question like "Where are your keys?". If I say "Where are your keys?" and you go "Oh, the keys, they're where I put them.", you are a putter, and to sum up you are a good human being. Uh, you work hard, you try hard, you're probably quite successful. The other group, the leavers.. or s*** head devils, to give them their full title. If you say to them "Where are your keys?" they'll go, "Wherever I left 'em", and you will die in an accident. "
I've found today I am definetly a leaver. And looking round at me and the people I know, there tends to be a correlation between leavers and procrastinators.
If you're a putter; organised, ahead of school work, tidy.If you're a leaver; watching disney movies instead of doing maths revision.
This may be a little personalised but instead of revising for a maths exam I have tomorrow morning at nine, I've spent the day watching beauty and the beast, sleeping beauty and the little mermaid. To be honest the day has been brilliant, but the time dawns when all 'leavers' get to seven'o'clock and realise they have about 3 hours to revise two books worth of work, and have a shower, and watch I'm a Celebrity get me out of here!- yes, that is a priority.
I'm verging on the realisation that I may never be a putter. But, ah well, leaver's have more fun ;)
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